Money management goes beyond picking investment products. We believe improving a public entity's overall investment plan is the smartest way to impact and improve returns. |
At PMA, this process begins with a thorough understanding of a public entity's cash flow. This is accomplished by analyzing large sets of data, drawing reliable conclusions from the findings and capitalizing on the newfound insight. (More...) |
PMA's Bond Proceeds Management Program assists PMA's clients in the critical areas of investment, arbitrage and reporting. |
Specifically, this program helps PMA clients establish a scheduled flow of funds, maximize investment opportunities through an asset-liability matching investment schedule, adequately cover expenses, organize their files for Federal tax purposes and save administrative time. (More...) |
PMA FPP™ is a powerful financial planning tool that allows interaction with a full spectrum of assumptions in order to project a public entity's financial position. PMA analyzes years of audited financial reports, performs detailed review of a public entity's current budget and works with its staff to forecast accurate revenues and expenditures over the next five years. (More...) |
The Fixed Income Sales and Trading Team provides sales, trading and other institutional services to governmental units and is committed solely to the fixed income marketplace, which includes all major government and agency securities, municipal securities, certificates of deposit and money market funds. (More...) |
Detailed credit analysis is a fundamental component of PMA's investment process. PMA's team of analysts conducts ongoing credit analysis of every bank within PMA's vast institutional network on a quarterly basis. PMA's Credit Risk Management Team also monitors the local, regional and national economic and regulatory environments on an ongoing basis. (More...) |
- Provides a detailed picture of a public entity's cash flow
- Provides administrative efficiency
- Provides an optimized investment schedule
- Captures the yield curve benefits of longer-term investing
- Add value through competitive bidding